When I was younger, there was a ruined building at the bottom of our street. All the kids of the suburb kept away from it as the rumor was that the building was haunted. The concrete walls of the two story building were cracking and crumbling. The windows were broken and shard of glass lay all over the floor. One evening as a test of courage, me and my best friend dedicated to probe that creepy place. We climbed through a window at the back of the building. The entire place was dirty and there was a layer of mud on the wooden floor. As we dusted ourselves off, we looked up and were shocked to see that someone had written the words “I AM DEAD” on the wall near the ceiling. "Probably just some teenagers trying to scare kids." said I. "Yeah! probably!" replied my chap. we explored more of the rooms on the ground floor. In a room that appeared once to b a kitchen, we found more writings on wall. I read " I'm in a room upstairs." We walked up the creaking stairs to the second floor. i led the way and my friend followed close behind. i was'nt scared but he was begining